A Late Bloomer
I always thought that 28 sounded like the age that you have things pretty well figured out. You would be married, have children, be settled in your forever-home, know what you're cooking every night, have a consistent budget, know how to file taxes, and make dentist appointments on your own. I am married and I do have a child (Bless his heart; He doesn't know his Momma has no idea what she's doing!), but I'm not quite where I imagined myself to be approaching 28 years old.The literal where (Mississippi) and the figurative where (still not flossing every day) are what I mean.
I love blogs for this reason... I discovered there are a lot of other women out there who are still learning about life and themselves and how to caramelize onions at a time when we think we should already know.
I already have a family/ministry blog... but I wanted an outlet to record how I'm growing, things I'm learning, and the art of all the in between. I'm sure there will be some overlap from the other blog, but mostly I wanted this to highlight what it means to (pardon the cheesiness) bloom into the woman that God created me to be... and hopefully resonate with some onlookers.
As I am learning how to be a wife and a mom (which also means: a chef, a party planner, an accountant, a professional shopper, an interior designer, an organizer, and the keeper of all things), I hope to help some of you, too.